Monthly Archives: January 2015

Infinite Crisis

a gift of scarlet & gold
flash bang crackle of lightning
deep undergound
where the magic words are kept

rocketing through eternity
with my shadows far behind
there’s a hell of a universe next door
& upstairs in the attic
& down in the basement
& through the looking-glass
so let’s go!
let’s go let’s go let’s go!

a gift of silver daydreams
as quick & mad as mercury
words that groan their way into existence
bursting through my brain
flash bang crackle of lightning

up & down & all around this world
is rollercoaster enough for me
a gift of gold & scarlet
reflected in mirror madness manic
rocketing through eternity
my feet on fire

flash bang crackle of lightning
as i shout my magic words
wishing desperately to
make the world run a better pace

am i powerless or powerful
in these silver daydreams
bursting through my veins
when my little world expands
into the infinite

Circling the Square

the time has come!
the day is here!
this small myth of transition
unfolds before your eyes
& so the song begins!

i see the children of the sun & stars
wandering lost
beneath the dreaming moon
exiled by houses of venus & mars
wandering lost, singing a mournful tune

i see the children of the wishful night
warlocks & witches
of our youthful blood
their apple-dappled eyes
all burning bright (unknown by
adults) cloaked in rosy rood

but why are we condemning them to shame
by our judgments
of their dreams?
& why do we define them by our name
for culture
never knowing what it seems?

the wheel of seasons
turns on ever more
while we curse winters, new years come to fore

& so the song ends
for now (but
nothing ever really ends) & thus
this is to be continued…

The Surgical Theater

I’m going to take a deep breath.


…now I’m ready to talk about this.

Sort of.

Mostly. (more…)

Broke My Neck

It was during the crimson nights of August last year when Pete Sergeant made the biggest mistake of his life. When he tells the story, he omits many of the details, because of embarrassment or prideĀ or some such, which is understandable. But my version is the more accurate one, so that’s the one I’ll tell. (more…)

Eye of Orion

with a smack of wonder & a crack of sorrow
we begin this day

our most ingenious universe
is the one where we exclaim “fuck!
this is amazing!”
cartoon galaxies spinning
out around the finite infinite

so crowded & yet
so alone
our hearts bursting with
kaleidoscopic roller coaster madness

an old man marries a young man
a woman bares her breasts to the world
& i feel so all alone at night
except when i don’t

no tranquility
no peace
but the exuberant breakdown of shadows & lies
a holy laugh in
the face of abject darkness

& when it all falls apart
what can you do
but cry & crack up?

am i right?